Capture Buffer Transfer No error detection/correction Opening capture buffer... This message and those that follow it under the heading "AT&T Breakup" are slightly edited versions of messages written by Tom Nicholas #72355,1352 on the Software Author's SIG. They will provide you with background for Sunday's Conference at 4PM EDT. In this Tom shares what he learned at a conference. First here's the jargon and what it means: Access Charge - The charge that has been established by the FCC, via tariffs, for local operating companies to soften the loss of toll income. Some local operating companies would like you to believe that this charge is for you to have a connection to AT&T, hence the name. AT&T - American Telegraph and Telephone. BOC - Bell Operating Company. Such as Ohio Bell, New England Bell, Southern Bell. Those companies in which AT&T had MAJORITY control, providing local service to a specific area of the country. CA - Carrier Access. This refers accessing of the Local Operating Company's network by the toll carriers. CAB - Carrier Access Billing. The charge that the Local Operating may impose on the toll carrier for accessing the local network. This includes charges to AT&T, MCI, etc. This is to include not only out- going calls, but incoming also. (I know that sounds strange, they still haven't figured a good, inexpensive way to measure that one, yet.) CSO - Central Service Organization. A 'temporary' company established to handle the functions performed by AT&T as a service to all BOCs when it was one 'happy' family. This included routing collect/credit card call billing, as an example. Independent - An independent telephone company. It may be as small as a few hundred customers for local service, or as larg Capture buffer closed.